(770) 925-2188

Physical address:
4230 Lawrenceville Hwy
Lilburn, ​Georgia.

If you listen to us Then your barndominium Looks Good

Choosing to build a barndominium would require tons of secret information that builders will never share

“We started to assist you from the pain points that I went through during my own barndo builds”

Brian A. Cooper


Our story to establish a barndominium blog

My name is Brian A. Cooper, an alumnus of the renowned Architectural Engineering program at the University of Texas. My academic journey wasn’t just about steel structures and the intricacies of structural engineering; it was also about discovering a passion that would later become my focus area.

Amid discussions on load bearings and tensile strength in the university, I thought about making barndominium-related topics easy for readers who suffer a lot while building their own. Then I found other 3 friends (who now have their architectural farm), interested in starting such blogging together. Currently, they are assisting me in catering the article topics and related research.

Barndominium is a complex area where the owners have very little knowledge at the beginning. I have seen that two of the clients didn’t even decide about the insulation when they paid the steel provider. So, we decided to crack down on those related terminologies so that a beginner can learn first and get assistance or expert advice for his steel structure house.

Well, that’s how this blog started its journey.

We now have a 1200-square-foot office in Georgia where a team of 8 structural engineers gathers the information and 4 professional writers accumulate that information into the writing.

Besides, we share barndominium concepts, case studies, and other technical issues from my network which is actively working in this sector.

Sharper brains work hard for your barndominium

From base to ceiling, interior to exterior, small to large – we just bring everything for you that makes you great when making your own barndominium

What do we do?

This blog is all about the barndominium. Here, you will find the in-depth guideline on how to build a barndominium, who should you get connected with, how would you make your barndo’s insulation, and how to organize your floor plans.

Besides, we assist with selecting your barndominium steel supplier and help in choosing other vendors. Our guidelines effectively address the concerns you should discuss with the supplier or, contractors you are dealing.

Not only that, we assist in preparing you for the barndominium loans and help in keeping your house up to date so that it offers higher resale value after certain years.

We are connected with 100+ realtors from whom we share barndo pictures so that you get a solid idea of your new constructions.

Overall, we assist you in every way in your journey of building your barndominium or buying an existing one from someone else.

Our Key Content Evaluators

Here’s a list of our content evaluators who guide us every day in ensuring editorial quality.

  • Mazin ALHadhrami (An Architectural Engineer, who graduated from the USA, currently working in Oman)
  • Tamer Naguib (Senior Architect, alumni of Yale University, and a Certified Project Manager)
  • Boen Yin (An alumni of Washington University and an architect)
  • Philip Tytus (An Architectural Consultant from USA)
  • Benhur Winston (Experienced in construction management)